Jacob Grodzinski

Oil Paintings


Life is a series of dogs. - George Carlin

Jacob was born at a young age in Cambridge, England.  He grew up mostly in Guelph, Ontario, then slightly more after the family moved to nearby Elora.  It would come with great relief to his parents that he managed to join the ranks of tertiary education by gaining entrance into the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at the small but prestigious Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, where ‘you’re a name, not a number.’  However, as he crossed the stage at his graduation ceremony, the dean could be heard lauding, “Congratulations Jason!”, so whether or not he in fact has claim to that degree has always been put to question.  Notwithstanding, Jason continued with his passion for art by studying at The Academy of Realist Art in Toronto to learn more about traditional drawing and oil painting techniques.  In spite of the hundreds of dollars he was soon earning annually selling art, he also acquired a degree in education and began teaching to supplement this income because, let’s face it, vices ain’t free!

A couple of decades later and life finds Jacob, fully grown now, settled in Stratford, Ontario.  He continues to produce oil paintings, ever-twiddling his style, looking to great masters such as Gustave Courbet or Gary Larson for influence and capturing what beauty and whimsy presents itself in passing.  When not near an easel, he can be seen educating a nice group of Grade 2 students, yielding to his three daughters, and keeping pace with the family’s much-beloved fox terrier, Constable.

If you would like to contact the artist to learn about trading hundreds of your dollars for some carefully arranged gobs of paint, or, perhaps you would like to inquire about hanging his paintings in a public venue, or, maybe you are among those who would just like to see him hanging  in a public venue, by all means, visit the contact page and send a note.  All interest is welcomed!